Happy 30th birthday to me!

Wow, I made it to three decades.

I don't have much to say here--or in general, making me question the general purpose of such a neglected blog--but I will say I've learned a lot, especially in these last few months, and I have healthy priorities guiding me.

I'll spare swaths of texts shrouded in ambiguity in saying that I'm quite excited about this year. I'm planning to be my healthiest yet (think: diet, fitness, sleep) as well as my most productive yet (work, hobbies, reading). Specifically, this year, I'm targeting:
  • Getting 7 and a half hour sleep as much as possible (meaning lights out at 10pm most days)
  • Continuing to count my calories and monitor my workouts
  • Cutting back on going out of drinks with friends and improving my diet overall
  • Learning a ton more in my free time (tech, music)
  • Crossing off all those books on my reading list

Above all, for the first time in my life, I'm actually focusing on me, and I couldn't be happier to do it. And with that, I'm off!

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