Instant Classic, the new international quartet champions

On July 4, 2015, my four best friends in barbershop became the new international quartet champions, having won a fierce competition featuring over 50 qualifying quartets, among an organization including tens of thousands of singers.

It's been an absolute joy watching them over the years, as friends, singers, and role models. Their contributions to the Barbershop Harmony Society extend far past quartet singing. These fine gentlemen have also directed a local, internationally-ranked chorus; led youth harmony camps; arranged and recorded innovative, new music; judged competitions outside of their home district; and taught educational courses at Harmony University. Beating the odds was just the start of what will surely be a long, productive, and rewarding barbershop career--all while pursuing full-time careers of their own.

In the barbershop international contest, sometimes you have "winners" and sometimes you have "champions". The men of Instant Classic are true champions. Congratulations, David Zimmerman, Theo Hicks, Kohl Kitzmiller, and Kyle Kitzmiller. I wish you nothing but the best as you continue reinvigorating this hobby we love so much.

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